Monday, June 29, 2015

Full Moon 5K 6/6/15

          After working 20 hours I got home and slept about 3-4 hours. After waking I moved to the living room to my chair and didn't move again unless it was for food, liquids, or the bathroom. To say the least my nutrition, hydration and rest was not even close to good. Originally I had planned on running the Full Moon 5K but had to work so I didn't register for it. After changing days with a coworker I was at least off for the race but I was not rested for it. At 6pm I finally decided to run it as practice and registered for the race.

     The race didn't start until 8:30 pm so I went to the grocery store and stock up on some good food. I unloaded the groceries. Changed into some running gear grabbed a water and drove over to the race.

     I got to the race and ran into a couple of coworkers, Jessica and Amy. We chatted for a few minutes. Jessica and her daughter were doing the 1 mile fun run so I stayed and cheered them on. When that was over I moved over to a side area to do a warmup, and some drills to open up the hip flexors and loosen the calves. As I finished I seen Nate and Cecilia.

     Nate and I discussed my work night aka race readiness and then moved onto goals for the race. The most I was ready to commit to was a respectable time because I had no illusions/delusions of a PR. Nate if I remember was going for 17 or sub 17 or some such crazy number. Nate and Cecilia moved on to meet with some of his other athletes.

     I went to pick a good spot in the race lineup towards the back and on the outside edge. Listened to the usual announcements and countdown to the start. Gun goes off and nobody moves. Maybe I went to far to the back. Finally people start moving forward at a slow shuffle. At last we move across the start line. I start running and try to find an open lane away from walkers, dogs, baby strollers etc.

     It was hot and humid  about 90 degrees and no breeze. The course had 3 turnarounds which is terrible for a 5K course.  Mile 1 had the first turnaround at about .2 miles in, I felt ok but kind of heavy and sluggish and the heat was awful. Mile 1 - 10:28.

      Mile 2  I seen Nate so I cheered him on. Mile 2 had the token water stop normally I don't stop for a 5K but I actually stopped and walked through so I could get a good drink and of course it had turn #2. Mile 2 - 11:32.

     Mile 3 was  up and over the river with turn #3 after the turn I met Jessica & Amy. Mile 3 - 11:23.  The course was a little  long at .21 but it was downhill to the finish. I picked up the pace, seen Nate & Cecilia cheering which helped! Picked up the pace again so I could pass 2 guys before the finish line. Mile .21 - 8:41!

     Official time was 35:10  which is not a PR, or a PB or even close to my last PR. That being said I went out on 3 hours sleep, 24 hours of poor nutrition and poor hydration and put down a decent 5K time in 90 degree heat. A year ago I was still run/walking so I will take it and smile about how far I have come.

    Oh and Nate finished in FIRST PLACE OVERALL!!!

Live Epic

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Kentucky Sole Time 4/25/15

     I registered for the Kentucky Derby Festival as soon as I found out Trena was one of the ambassadors for the race. I knew a lot of Sole Sister would probably be signing up for it also, which would give me an opportunity to meet some of them. At the time I registered, I was still training for my first marathon, so I only registered for the Half because I did not know if I would want to do another full yet. In hindsight turns out it was a good decision but for other reasons.
     In Late December when Nate (run coach) & I met to plan goals for 2015, I told him I really wanted to improve my Half time by a lot, like as close to sub 2 as I could get. With that in mind he devised a plan with a lot of long slow running days. 5 days a week of running, 4 days of which my heart rate was not to get above 135. One day a week for a 3 mile run, I could ignore the heart rate. That plan was to build my aerobic and run base. It worked at the end of 8 weeks I could run at a faster pace with a HR of 135 or less.
     So in February a new plan was given to me that was the official training plan for the Kentucky Derby a Half. This plan had long slow runs but sped work days and tempo runs. I was so excited. Week one strained my hip flexor, lateral quad and my TFL. No weight bearing exercise. No running, no swimming & no cycling for 2 weeks. Then I was allowed to add swimming & cycling with pool running.
    At 4 weeks the hip was feeling better, so I tried an easy run and immediately the Hip blasted me with pain.  At 6 weeks the hip felt better so I tried an easy run and although it didn't hurt as I was running it did hurt for days later. This cycle continued every week up to 10 days before the Kentucky Half. Now at this point I had my phone call from Brook, as we were discussing the injury and my frustration, she made me promise to rest it for the full 10 days until my Half.
      I flew on the morning of the 24th. I should have arrived in Kentucky at 3 pm but because of 2 delays I did not arrive till after 6 pm. I was hungry, dehydrated and in a hurry to make it to the expo. I met up with my Sisters of Sole Araminta, Magda, & Jackie for packet pickup, they had already got theirs but they graciously waited as I picked up mine, Trena's (who was also having travel hassles) & a friend of Trena's packet.  We  met up with Haewon and took some Sole pics and headed to the dinner place.
     So dinner was at the Troll House Pub under the Bridge, where we met up with Beth, her husband and sister in law. The waiter was from NOLA and was awesome. So the menu didn't offer a lot of good pre-race options for me. I went with pasta as it looked like the lesser of the evils but on race day I decided I should have chosen different. The company was great. It was so fantastic finally meeting these ladies in person after months of just online contact.
     We all called it an early night & headed to the hotels at about 8-9ish. I waited up for Trena to make it on as we were roomies. She made it in about 10ish. We chatted as she rolled her hips. Lights out at 10:30 since wake up was 6 am.
     Up at 6 am got my coffee fix with some water, a protein bar, banana, bathroom, dress, brush the chicklets, bathroom, & mix up the UCAN to swig down. Walked to the race start which was just 3 blocks away from the hotel with Magda & Haewon. Dropped Trena off with the fast crowd, then Haewon stopped at her corral, Magda & I continued on to our corral.
     I wasn't really feeling well for this race. My stomach felt iffy. I felt dry, like I hadn't hydrated enough which was true. I felt sluggish & heavy despite the cool air. At 7:30 the gun went off & a little later the crowd started moving. Just as I passed the starting line, the first raindrops fell and didn't stop until after the race.
     The splits played out like this:
1 - 11:53
2 - 12:42
3 - 11:52
4 - 12:33 port-a-potty break (I paused my watch, idk why because now I don't know my time)
5 - 12:22 hug random stranger giving out free hugs, why not I'm not going to PR today.
6 - 11:48
7 - 11:41
8 - 11:43
9 - 12:08 only hill going up the ramp from under the race track & people stop to walk it. Seriously I have seen steeper wheel Chair ramps.
10 - 11:49
11 - 11:33
12 - 14:33 an emergent Potty stop was necessary! Pasta really isn't my friend!
13 - 10:33 time to finish this
.10 - 7:41 finish line!

Official time of 2:41. Which is not bad considering I had poor nutrition, poor hydration, undertrained due to injury and some potty issues. My first Half took 3:12 when I was run walking, my best Half time is 2:27 when I was trained and healthy. So a 2:41 under not the best circumstances is OK. I still grit my teeth to say that, even though I know not everyone can run a Half marathon without training.

Best thing was meeting some Sisters of Sole for some good conversation, laughs, celebratory drinks! Jackie PR'd, Magda PR'd, Haewon BQ'd, Trena ran 2 marathons in one week! I think Beth's husband PR'd and it kicked off a new training cycle for me with new goals of PR's! I may have to have a rematch Kentucky!

Live Epic


Monday, June 8, 2015

Run to the Well Kibo 5K - 3/28/15

     I signed up for this race mainly because Gary a member of Life Time Run was apart of it with his Church group. The Kibo group has races as fundraisers to drill fresh water wells in Africa and other undeveloped countries. I thought it would be a good test of how my hip was healing and if I had managed to maintain my fitness.

     I got up kind of late but grabbed some coffee a lite breakfast, let the dog out, bathroom, dressed, dog in, bathroom again & out the door to the car. I was running late, like I mean was I going to make it before the gun went off! I'm speeding, passing people and cussing myself all the way there. I find a parking space, grab the bib and pin it on as I'm speed walking across to the start line. I get to the start with 2 minutes to spare! Hah!

     The gun goes off and away we go. It is a small race less than 200 people, I think that is counting dogs & baby strollers! I find a pace that feels comfortably hard. My hip feels ok, no pain! Yay!

     The first mile I'm breathing okay, nothing hurts but it just feels more difficult than I think it should. I can feel the lack of running over the past few months.

     The second mile, I come up on a woman who is a chatty Kathy. No that is not her name but I can't remember it. Normally I don't like to talk when I'm running and especially not in a race. I figure if you are able to talk faster than you are moving then you need to run faster and talk less! Today though I run beside Chatty and let her monologue distract me from how hard the ground is, the effort I'm putting out to maintain this pace and how much I will have to work to get back to where I was before the hip injury.

     Now somewhere at the start of mile 3 Chatty moves on pass me to another group to talk to. I concentrate on my breathing, my footfalls, the push off and start doing an inventory of how all the body parts feel. It seems to be getting easier, (I still hate the first 2 miles) my breathing is easy, heart rate is good, hip is pain free. And I feel like it is Go time.

     I reach the turn around on the bridge and decide it is all down hill to the finish. I start picking up the pace and start picking off people. As I come off the bridge I pick up the pace again and see Chatty up ahead still talking. I pick it up again and I pass Chatty, I hear her say where did you come from, I tell her come on it is go time, there is the finish. I pick up the pace and sprint across the line. Usually I feel like I am done when I cross the finish line but I was just starting to feel good I felt like I could just keep running. God it felt so good to push hard at the finish.

     Well I didn't keep running. I seen Gary at the finish, he gave me a hug and thanked me for coming and we chatted for a few about running and injuries. Good times! Official time was 32:30! Not to bad for breathing easy and not running for more than 8 wks.

     The only problem with this whole race is that the Hip started throbbing later that day and continued for weeks. Running this race pushed back my healing another 6 weeks. Bleep, bleep, bleep de bleep bleep!

Live Epic!